"King of terrors" nghĩa là gì?

Chết không phải là hết. Photo by Ryan Moreno

"King of terrors" = Vua của sự kinh khiếp -> Sự chết, người chết hiện thân/nguyên nhân đáng chú ý, đáng kể dẫn đến tử vong.

Ví dụ
But we are still children in understanding when it comes to what the Bible calls “the king of terrors” (Job 18:14). That is the scriptural (dựa theo Kinh Thánh) way of describing the greatest nightmare you and I will ever have—one from which we will never wake. It is our death.

A 19th-century surgeon (bác sĩ phẫu thuật) described cancer as "the emperor of all maladies (hoàng đế của mọi bệnh tật), the king of terrors." Cancer isn't just one disease. Instead, it includes a wide range of diseases in which abnormal cells (tế bào lạ, bất thường) in the body divide uncontrollably (không kiểm soát được).

Even though believers (người tin Chúa, tín hữu) have the hope of Heaven, the Bible still tells us that death is the king of terrors; and we know biblically and emotionally as human beings, that it is difficult to be separated from loved ones. It is acceptable therefore, in God’s eyes to grieve (đau buồn) freely for the loss of much treasured (quý báu) loved ones.

Bin Kuan

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