"Lord it over" nghĩa là gì?

Khi thế giới được cai trị bởi nữ giới. Photo by Dollar Gill

"Lord it over (someone)" = Làm ông hoàng của ai -> Khống chế, sai khiến, sai bảo; ra oai, làm ra vẻ bề trên, hống hách với ai.

Ví dụ
Never did he lord it over me, or, as far as I know, anyone else. All he wanted to know was whether or not you could contribute (đóng góp, góp phần) to the national security (an ninh quốc gia) of the United States. Most of us were a generation, and later two or three generations, younger than he.

Before we move on to a discussion of what immature femininities (đàn bà chưa trưởng thành) look like, though, I want to spend a moment looking at one of our oldest rubrics (đề mục) for broken gender dynamics (động lực học giới tính): Chapter 3 of the Book of Genesis. Genesis is important because it sums it, very neatly, the effects of power inequalities (bất bình đẳng) between the sexes: “Your desire shall be for your husband and he will lord it over you.”

As for the book selection: Greg read “DQ” when we went on vacation to Spain in 2016 and had enjoyed it so much that I think I was slightly jealous (hơi ganh tỵ). So now it’s my turn to lord it over him. The story of a delusional nobleman (người quý tộc hoang tưởng) who has read so many chivalric (bộ quy tắc hiệp sĩ) romances that he decides to become a knight errant (hiệp sĩ giang hồ) and save the world from itself, the book is full of endearing (được mến chuộng) surprises (e.g., Cervantes likes to end chapters in the middle of a sentence).

Bin Kuan

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