"Lord of the flies" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Armin Lotfi

"Lord of the flies" = Chúa tể của loài ruồi -> Qủy Satan, ma quỷ, cái ác.

Ví dụ
Lord of The Flies presented an ideal opportunity for an alternative (có thể thay thế) and experimental (dựa trên thí nghiệm) approach that blurred (làm lu mờ) and blended the roles of lighting and space, which enabled the Titan Tubes to help create the scenography (phép vẽ phối cảnh).

I remember the first time I ever went to the Pines and just being struck (bị dập) by the fact that there wasn’t a straight person in sight. The island is just all gay people, and it’s interesting in a weird Lord of the Flies way, seeing how we act and how our culture comes into focus in a very specific way when we are not performing for straight people, when all the barriers and neuroses (chứng loạn thần kinh chức năng) about acting a certain way [fall away].

The idea of worshiping (tôn thờ) Lord of the flies is ridiculous (quái lạ, lố bịch). We worship ourselves first and foremost, and we use the Satanic (thuộc ma quỷ) as a metaphor (cách ẩn dụ) for calling forth the powers within ourselves that we find enriching (làm phong phú, làm giàu) or enlivening (làm chấn hưng). Satan has always been a metaphor of defiance (bất chấp, coi thường) fortitude (sự ngoan cường) against all odds (bất chấp khó khăn) and self-determination in whatever guises (chiêu bài, lốt, vỏ) he is represented. And there has always been a Satanic failure (thất bại, đầu phục) in every culture from the very beginnings of man. And I imagine there always must be.

Bin Kuan

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