"My lord and master" nghĩa là gì?

Cặp đôi vàng. Photo by Tai's Captures

"(One's) lord and master" = Là chúa và chủ nhân của ai -> Cách nói hài hước và phóng đại lên để nói về quyền lực/sự ưu tiên cho người vợ hoặc chồng.

Ví dụ
My lord and master is the title holder (người giữ tư cách, danh nghĩa) to our $400,000 home. She bought the house for $50,000 40 years ago. We married four years ago, and I've been living in the home since then. Are we entitled to the $500,000 exemption for married couples? How does this work?

Govindasamy then took the witness (nhân chứng) stand to testify (làm chứng) in aggravation of sentence (sự làm trầm trọng thêm của bản án). Although still overwhelmed (tràn ngập, chôn vùi) with pain from his loss, he spoke with confidence and began by saying that he had forgiven his lord and master.

My lord and master has become close friends with a man he met through work. He and his wife live nearby, and we’ve gone out with them as a couple a few times. I like my husband’s friend, but my husband and I really dislike his wife. We’ve tried, but she’s cold (lạnh nhạt), rude (thô lỗ, vô lễ) and a Debbie Downer. I have no interest in seeing her. The problem: My husband’s friend keeps inviting us to socialize with them as a couple. We keep saying we’re busy. But my husband is torn (giận): He thinks we should tell his friend that we just don’t want to see his wife. I disagree. Thoughts?

Bin Kuan

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