"Put up the shutters" nghĩa là gì?

Thôi thì lại mở quán khác :) Photo by: Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

"Put up the shutters" = gác cửa chớp lại -> nghĩa là ngừng hoạt động kinh doanh, thường là mãi mãi.

Ví dụ
He aims to put up the shutters tomorrow night when Lazio visit in the Europa League Group E confrontation (chạm trán) at a packed Parkhead. And while he is doing his best to frustrate (đánh bại) the Italians at one end of the pitch, he expects Edouard to be doing the business in their half.

Are the banks just going to put up the shutters and move on to making more profits (lợi nhuận), knowing they still owe thousands of people millions of pounds which was wrongly taken from them in a scandal that was three decades in the making?

Causeway Capital, which acquired the brand together with 96 branches from administrators at KPMG in February, said that it had taken the “difficult decision” to put up the shutters after a detailed review of the estate (tài sản).

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