"Sealed with a kiss" nghĩa là gì?

Cách để nàng ngưng nói chuyện... Photo by Radu Florin

"Sealed with a kiss" (SWAK) = Khóa chặt môi/đóng chặt bằng một nụ hôn -> Nghĩa gốc là để dấu son môi lên bì thư như nụ hôn vậy đó, còn nghĩa bóng là viết hoặc gửi tình cảm và sự yêu thương cho ai.

Ví dụ
Sealed with a kiss! Princess Diana and Charles' wedding day smooch (sự âu yếm nhau) is voted the country's most memorable - followed by William and Kate's.

The DA presidential candidacy (ứng cử tổng thống) looked like a serendipitous (có khả năng cầu may) lifeline (dây cứu sinh). The arrangement, sealed with a kiss, lasted for 48 hours. Display Adverts.

But these romances are, the vast majority (phần chính, đa số) of the time, depressingly chaste (mộc mạc, minh bạch) (Batman v Superman’s bathtub aside, but that it is the peak of sexy superhero times in these blockbusters (phim bom tấn) says a lot). They often exist to put a film’s female lead aside on a pedestal (bệ, đôn), a goal for hero and villain (tên côn đồ, kẻ hung ác) to fight over rather than an actual character, and are often sealed with a kiss and nothing more. They are rarely the focus, rarely of any real dramatic weight next to all the punch ups and comic book fun. They’re just... kinda boring?

Bin Kuan

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