"Smoke like a chimney" nghĩa là gì?

"Ống khói tàu" đi rồi! Photo courtesy: Mildiou

"Smoke like a chimney" = hút như ống khói -> nghĩa là hút thuốc liên tục, liên miên.

Ví dụ
My granddad, who smoked like a chimney and lived to 97, was lucky enough never to encounter a promoter (người quảng bá).

The all too common ‘alternative’ is nowhere to be found here. Only a raunchy familiarity (quen thuộc sắc sảo) and a call-back (nhớ lại) to grin-worthy ACDC-esque Australiana. Lyrically, there’s humour and a tongue-in-cheek (lời nói đùa mỉa mai) likability—as always with these party boys—and the temptation (cám dỗ) stands to “smoke like a chimney and drink like a fish.”

The smokers drifted in from the balcony. One said, “I eat everything organic but I smoke like a chimney.” Olly told a story about a friend of theirs who is vegan through the week but gets drunk on weekends and binge-eats (ăn liên tục) chicken nuggets. Someone was remembering the last time they took LSD (ma túy). Alexa looked appalled (kinh sợ). She had to “trip-sit” (canh chừng) friends on LSD once. They started to vomit. She would not trip-sit again.

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