"Soft fire makes sweet malt" nghĩa là gì?

Let's try to balance stones to have a peaceful mind. Photo by Tyler Milligan

"Soft fire makes sweet malt" = Bật lửa nhẹ thì mạch nha mới ngon ngọt -> Sự thiếu kiên nhẫn sẽ phá hủy mọi việc/nhịn nhục, nhã nhặn và từ tốn sẽ duy trì được các mối quan hệ hay thực hiện thành công tất cả mọi việc.

Ví dụ
Stop rushing! you cannot do it well unless you're slow down. Alright, "Soft fire makes sweet malt".

It is said that he is an impatient guy, you shouldn't hire him for this position and please think about an old adage (ngạn ngữ cổ): "Soft fire makes sweet malt".

She's good-nature (hiền lành), charming (duyên dáng) and a good cooker, I enjoy every food she makes which reflects her personality (phản ánh nhân cách) as a beautiful inside and outside (đẹp từ trong tâm hồn lẫn vẻ bề ngoài). Whenever I talk with her, she always keeps "Soft fire makes sweet malt" in the conversation.

Bin Kuan

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