"Take the air" nghĩa là gì?

Mỗi sáng thức dậy với lòng cảm tạ. Photo by Ben White

"Take the air" = hít thở không khí -> nghĩa là dành thời gian ra ngoài/ra khỏi nhà để đi ra ngoài.

Ví dụ
A good way to promote (cải thiện, nâng cao) health for senior (lão niên) citizens is to take the air. That is the belief of people at two popular outdoor walking spots: Blandy Experimental Farm and Sky Meadows State Park.

“It’s not that we don’t want people to go outdoors,” Alkaitis said. “We believe that when people take the air they become stewards (người quản gia, người phục vụ). We need their help and support to minimize the impact.”

I would start posting on Facebook – “we were here today, we had a great time” – and people saw those pictures and said, “Kash, why didn’t you tell me? I would love to have gone with you.” So from there, we knew there was interest within our community to take the air, but there was nothing that we were aware of (nhận thức về) where people could get together and go outdoors as a group. That’s why we said, OK, we’ll start a group. We kept the format going, every second Sunday, go out for a hill (đồi núi) walk and get as many people out with us as we could.

Bin Kuan

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