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người đàn ông texas hoàn tất thủ tục li di vợ, mà vợ không hề hay biết gì

Paul Nixon, 51, allegedly (bị cáo buộc) broke it off from his wife using forged (giả mạo) documents behind her back (sau lưng ai, ý nói 'ám muội'), authorities claimed. Nixon's wife told investigators  (nhà điều tra) on May 14 the man "filed for divorce and completed the entire proceedings (thủ tục) without her knowledge or consent (đồng ý) and that the court had already completed all hearings (phiên điều trần tại tòa án) and filed the final divorce decree (phán quyết chấp thuận đơn li dị)."

Nixon, of Harris County, submitted "several forged documents and false information (thông tin sai lệch)" to a district court, "including a forged waiver of service (từ chối dịch vụ)" and a forged signature from a notary public (công chứng) in an effort to divorce his wife,"

Tags: marriage


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