"The devil looks after his own" nghĩa là gì?

Nghĩ lại về cuộc đời mình. Photo by  Amanshu Raikwar

"The devil looks after his own" = Ma quỷ tự lo cho mình -> Người xấu/người ác thì dễ phát đạt, giàu có và thường gặp may. Câu tục ngữ này ngụ ý rằng sự giàu có họ có được là từ những việc làm sai trái và việc ác.

Ví dụ
He smiled: “I joke and say the devil looks after his own - or more seriously I haven't smoked since I was 12, I don't drink.

She has been fighting the illness for over a year now and Kathleen reckons (nghĩ, tưởng, đoán) it's the devil keeping her alive. She added: "Listen, the devil looks after his own and he's well looking after her. She's very vindictive (đầy hận thù, không khoan dung), she's a very evil woman.

Rushed to Bristol’s Frenchay Hospital, Victoria was placed in a medical coma (hôn mê) to recover. She had broken her neck and nearly every bone (xương) in her body and had severe internal injuries (chấn thương bên trong). When she finally woke weeks later, Spry was sitting at her bedside and told her the accident was her fault. ‘She told me that the devil looks after his own and that was why I was still there,’ Victoria recalls. ‘She called me the scum of the Earth (cặn bã, người xấu của thế gian). I remember lying there, wishing I had died, too.’

Bin Kuan

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