"Turn turtle" nghĩa là gì?

Thôi xong... Lật rồi! Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

"Turn turtle" chỉ hành động lật ngược lại, lật ngửa (như rùa lật). Cụm từ này cũng thường được dùng để miêu tả lật tàu/thuyền.

Ví dụ
There are baths too deep to get out of, so you have to turn turtle and push yourself up and out.

Due to some reason he lost control over the wheels (bánh xe) of the vehicle causing it to turn turtle.

Just as the song in Vikrithi goes, a smartphone camera is a one-eyed window to the world that has the ability to tear apart lives as well as mend (hàn gắn) broken bonds (liên kết/mối quan hệ). Vikrithi is essentially about a bunch of good people -with 'textbook goodness' - and how their lives turn turtle through a viral (lan nhanh như vi-rut) photograph.

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Bài trước: "Crazy like a fox" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase

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