Cách viết bài viral content lan tỏa mạnh mẽ

viết đơn giản thôi,

tưởng tượng những câu ngắn sau có sức sống hơn 500 năm

If we want to learn how to do it let’s look at some of the expressions that have ‘gone viral’ and passed into everyday usage, take the following:

“Out of the frying pan into the fire” (tránh vỏ dưa gặp vỏ dừa)

“There’s no point closing the barn door after the horse has bolted” (mất bò mới lo làm chuồng, vô nghĩa)

“Every man for himself” (ai cũng vì mình)

“Don’t put the cart before the horse” (trứng đòi khôn hơn vịt)

“Half a loaf is better than none” (nửa ổ bánh mì còn hơn không)

Every dog has its day” (ai rồi cũng có lúc gặp vận, không ai khó ba đời)

We can all agree those expressions went viral without the need for technology.

In fact those were written by a man who was born about the time America was being discovered, and died just before the Spanish Armada, before the Internet, before electricity, around the time of the first printing press.

His name was John Heywood and he was born in 1497 and died in 1580.

He wasn’t a famous playwright, as Shakespeare became, he was mainly a performer.

But he used to write his own simple plays to incorporate his singing, dancing, and juggling.

In Henry VIII’s court records he was listed as a “Synger” and paid 100 shillings a quarter.

The writing was just an excuse for the performance, so he kept it simple and catchy.

Simple and catchy is what ordinary people like, so his writing has stayed viral, stayed in the language for 500 years.

Tags: english

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