"A powder keg" nghĩa là gì?

Tập trung vào đi ông, cháy bây giờ -.- Photo by: Alev Takil on Unsplash

"A powder keg" = thùng thuốc súng -> nghĩa là tình huống rất dễ thay đổi đột ngột và trở nên nguy hiểm.

Ví dụ
The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) said a patient had died in a Saskatoon emergency room due to overcrowding (quá tải bệnh nhân) and short staffing. "It's becoming a powder keg of a dangerous situation," said union president Tracy Zambory.

Frothy housing markets, high consumer debt loads and an explosion in alternative mortgage (thế chấp) lending are creating a powder keg that our 43rd Parliament would be wise to defuse. But as Canadians were reminded during this election campaign, our federal politicians are hardly a logical bunch.

Tooke’s one-dimensional characters help the plot (cốt truyện) along by stating only the very obvious (rõ ràng), like “If we lose, we lose the Pacific” and “This place is a powder keg.”

Ngọc Lân

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