"And stuff like that" nghĩa là gì?

Bản thân không bao giờ thích mấy thể loại mà chữ nhỏ như này! Photo by Dimitri Bång on Unsplash

"And stuff like that (there)" nghĩa là và những thứ tương tự, đại loại như vậy. Cụm từ này dùng để chỉ cho những cái, điều không cụ thể mà giống hoặc có liên quan tới nội dung vừa được nhắc tới.

Ví dụ
"It gives you a sense of what you're going to be doing and the practicality (tính thực tiễn, tính thiết thực) and stuff like that," said Wyatt Sykes, a senior at Medomak Valley High School.

“I was really thinking about media in general, kind of social media, but the media files and sense of media news and stuff like that, particularly this time of day, and how much of our experiences are shaped by that or idea of reality is shaped by that," Chicago-based artist Kirsten Leenaars said.

Buying and selling things online is the new norm. “I usually buy laptops and stuff like that or animal products and used beds,” said Brianna Leone. Another shopper (người mua hàng) tells us, “My first purchase was a motorcycle helmet (mũ bảo hiểm).” He bought the helmet on OfferUp, a mobile marketplace. He tells us, “I went to his house and got it right there.”

Thảo Nguyễn

Bài trước: "Like a bird in a gilded cage" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase


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