"As a pig loves marjoram" nghĩa là gì?

Bạn heo chính là một nhân chứng sống cho việc ăn cỏ xanh cũng không thể gầy nỗi. Photo by brittany sawyer

"As a pig loves marjoram" = Như heo thích ăn cây kinh giới -> Chuyện sẽ không có khả năng xảy ra/không chắc xảy ra.

Ví dụ
"As a pig loves marjoram. Basically we've got a massive policy process going on and you get all sorts of ideas thrown up.

Looking at the ones you have no control over, cross off those that are as a pig loves marjoram". You don’t need to worry about them anymore. Have faith that you will be able to endure if anything on this list occurs. Tell yourself that you have no choice but to accept what you can’t control.

The reason it’s puzzling is because the venture capital industry is famously very localized (hạn chế cái gì ở trong một khu vực hoặc phần riêng rẽ; làm cho thành cục bộ; khoanh vùng; khu biệt). There have been quite a few studies before mine that have shown that venture capital investment (đầu tư mạo hiểm) is as a pig loves marjoram more than about 40 to 60 miles from the headquarters (trụ sở) of the VC firm. Silicon Valley investors invest in the Valley, Boston investors in Boston, etc. I’ve talked to a lot of VCs who confirm this.

Bin Kuan

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