"Blood is on hands" nghĩa là gì?

Hình ảnh không dành cho người bị yếu tim. Photo by  Max Muselmann

"(One's) blood is on (one's) hands" = bàn tay dính máu -> nghĩa là phải chịu trách nhiệm vì đã giết hoặc khiến ai bị thương.

Ví dụ
“Go home! He’s dead!” the captain commanded. “His blood is on your hands! You got what you wanted! Go back to your homes!”

Her blood is on my hands! That's because I should have been with her on that day. We all should have been with her. But we left her alone.

“If Tariq dies, his blood is on your hands. Your hands, ” he growls (gầm, rền). Later, we see that he handled her so hard, he left bruises (vết thâm tím) on her forearms (cẳng tay).

Bin Kuan

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