"Doctors make the worst patients" nghĩa là gì?

cùng nhau hội chẩn Photo by EVG photos from Pexels

'Doctors make the worst patients' = bác sĩ chính là bệnh nhân khó tính nhất -> nghĩa là rất khó đưa ra trợ giúp hay lời khuyên trong lĩnh vực mà người đó có chuyên môn vì họ thường có suy nghĩ mình biết nhiều hơn, làm tốt hơn người khác.

Ví dụ
The joke is that doctors make the worst patients, but the Chiefs offensive lineman (trọng tài biên) assured everyone gathered after Tuesday’s minicamp practice that wasn’t the case as he rehabbed (phục hồi) last season.

While it is often said that doctors make the worst patients, might it also be true that well-being practitioners – those of us who research and teach others how to improve their well-being – are the people least likely to be taking care of themselves?

They say doctors make the worst patients. Whether that’s true or not, as a doctor, you know that stress and depression (trầm cảm) can wreak havoc (tàn phá) on a person’s immune system. So, it’s a great thing to keep track of. If you’re sick all the time, and it’s not just exposure to germs (mầm bệnh, vi trùng), it might be infection from the job itself—a definite sign it’s time to find health in another position.

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