"Eat to live, not live to eat" nghĩa là gì?

How to sống XANH? Photo by Brooke Lark

"Eat to live, not live to eat" = Ăn để sống chứ không phải sống chỉ để ăn -> Câu tục ngữ khuyên chúng ta rằng đừng quá tham ăn, đừng coi việc ăn uống là niềm yêu thích hay hoạt động chủ yếu trong cuộc sống của mình và nên ăn vừa phải, đủ để nuôi dưỡng cơ thể thôi.

Ví dụ
“First thing is do not overeat. Eat to live, not live to eat. That is very simple. When the food is nice, stop eating; that is my mother's advice to me.

“I finally love my body and my flaws (khuyết điểm). I have never been so at peace with myself than I am now. The hardest part for me was the mental battle (cuộc chiến tâm lý). I love healthy food, but it was hard to switch my mindset (lý trí, tư duy) to eat to live, not live to eat.

Their belief is that food is medicine — and that’s actually one of my own personal ones as well. We become what we eat — no, you won’t turn into a literal watermelon if you eat the seeds (hạt giống), but you will absorb (hấp thụ) its nutrients (dinh dưỡng) and your body will process it to use for its cellular (thuộc tế bào) needs. When you eat what your body needs, it functions properly. Another phrase that supports this is “you eat to live, not live to eat.”

Bin Kuan

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