"Eternal sleep" nghĩa là gì?

Ngủ thôi mà, có cần phải cute vậy không? Photo by henriette valkema

"Eternal sleep" = Giấc ngủ bất diệt -> Lối nói giảm nói tránh về sự chết/ai đó đã mất.

Ví dụ
On Día de los Muertos the dead are also a part of the community, awakened from their eternal sleep to share celebrations with their loved ones.

The valley's inhabitants (dân cư, người cư trú) were saved, but the giant had broken his one rule by killing the ogre (yêu tinh, quỷ ăn thịt người), and the punishment was eternal sleep.

Instead of observing a sol­emn (long trọng, uy nghiêm) day for those who have passed away (đã khuất), some of us hold hangover Halloween parties in cemeteries – passing on the gin bottle; passing on a card across a cement-cold poker bed; or passing on the microphone to a frustrated singer in the family whose unforgiving voice provides enough spiny tingle (sự kích động, bị châm) to rouse (khuấy động, đánh thức) the dead from eternal sleep.

Bin Kuan

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