"Funny in the head" nghĩa là gì?

Cười tươi để đầu nở hoa. Photo by  Nick Fewings

"Funny in the head" = Trong đầu đang tấu hài -> Đầu óc không bình thường/tâm trí có vấn đề.

Ví dụ
So I have almost completed 1 year from my first Open Mic... the point where everyone whoever wishes to become a standup comic (khôi hài) starts... and the point where one gets to know that all those jokes which were sounding so funny in the head are actually the opposite of funny. The reality checkpoint (điểm trọng yếu trong thỏa thuận).

“I’m not going to lie, I’m quite tired. You know that way when you’re too tired and you go about all funny in the head,” says Capaldi. Again, please imagine the heavy Scottish accent (chất giọng) as you’re reading his quotes. It makes it better. “I went to the gym this morning and that’s not a regular occurrence (điều diễn ra thường xuyên) because I’m a big fat man. It didn’t go well. Didn’t go well. I’m always disgusting when I go to the gym but I feel great afterwards, so here comes the six pack (sáu múi).”

Outside the polar regions (vùng địa cực), the Atacama Desert is considered the driest place on earth. It’s a plateau (cao nguyên) about 10,000 feet above sea level that receives a heaping tablespoon of rainfall a year. You feel the intense dryness and altitude (độ cao so với mặt biển) right away when you visit. After a couple of days, your skin starts to crack and your lungs struggle to pull in oxygen. You get light and funny in the head, and feelings exacerbated (bực tức, trầm trọng) only by the intense heat of the day and the frigid (lạnh lẽo) night air.

Bin Kuan

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