"Have a mind like a steel trap" nghĩa là gì?

Hiểu ý tạo dáng nhanh đó chớ! Photo by Naitian(Tony) Wang on Unsplash

"Have a mind like a steel trap" = đầu như bẫy thép -> cụm từ này nghĩa là có khả năng hiểu và nắm bắt thông tin nhanh chóng; có đầu óc nhạy bén.

Ví dụ
I don’t know how he remembers … He must have a mind like a steel trap. I don’t even remember what was going on. I think I was a backup (hát bè) singer and I was opening for people and yeah, we went on a date.

I, on the other hand, did not have a mind like a steel trap. I had a mind like a badly constructed rabbit snare (cái bẫy), made with twigs (cành con, nhánh con) and string by a Cub Scout. I could not tell a lie. Not very well, anyway. Every time I tried, I looked like an idiot.

Sometimes you’re brilliant in very useful ways. If you have a mind like a steel trap and can remember everything, you’re lucky as there are unlimited uses for a mind like that. Do you just need to see something and then you remember it (having a photographic memory), or do you create what they call a memory palace in your head, putting the things you need to remember into each room of the palace? Do you have incredible instincts (bản năng) that keep you from harm?

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Bài trước: "Hold on like grim death" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase

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