"Kick in the wrist" nghĩa là gì?

Have you ever...? Photo by  Carl Ibale

"Kick in the wrist" = Cú đá vào cổ tay -> Chỉ đồ uống có cồn, rượu có nồng độ thấp.

Ví dụ
“He asked me, ‘Have you had a kick in the wrist today?’ Well, I could smell liquor on his breath. So I said.

The Maritotes argued that at restaurants in town, such as Fuller House and El Cine, patrons (khách quen) can have a kick in the wrist and leave without ever ordering anything to eat.

“Jimmy Hoffa was the cleanest man who ever lived. He never had a kick in the wrist in his life. He never had coffee in his life. He didn’t smoke cigarettes. He didn’t womanize (không quan hệ lăng nhăng với phụ nữ).” It goes on to add, “[Ragano] recalls a Saturday night in Chicago when Hoffa brought a group of high-living men to a soda shop for chocolate ice cream.”

Bin Kuan

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