"Pour scorn on my head" nghĩa là gì?

Lêu lêu. Photo by Aidas Ciziunas

"Pour scorn on (one's) head" = Đổ sự khinh bỉ lên đầu ai -> Khi nói về ai thì toàn dùng những lời cay độc, coi thường và không ưa gì người ta; nói xấu, phỉ báng về họ.

Ví dụ
The accounts on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter seek to laud (khen ngợi) the crown prince and pour scorn on the kingdom’s adversaries and detractors (người phỉ báng).

The Público report provided detailed evidence, based on internal documents, of official foreknowledge of the attack, which was led by a Spanish intelligence asset. Yet the ruling establishment is uniting to denounce (tố cáo) the report and pour scorn on the idea that an official conspiracy (âm mưu) took place.

There are of course those who do speak out, but they tend to be, with important exceptions, those with the strongest opinions and the least patience for engaging with the best work in modern economics. Some, too beholden to some orthodoxy (tính chất chính thống) to pay attention to any fact that does not square with it, repeat old ideas like a mantra (câu thần chú), even though they have long been disproved. Others are there to pour scorn on mainstream economics, which it may sometimes deserve; but that often means they are unlikely to speak for today’s best economic research.

Bin Kuan

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