"Run before you can walk" nghĩa là gì?

Chạy trong bão tuyết. Photo by  Isaac Wendland

"Run before you can walk" = Chạy trước khi bạn có thể đi bộ -> Cố gắng làm điều khó trước khi bạn có thể làm thành công những điều dễ dàng.

Ví dụ
Once you feel comfortable and you’ve made bread enough times, then you can try something like sourdough (bột nhào chua). You don’t want to run before you can walk. Start with more easy, basic breads. Focaccia can be an easy bread to make depending on the recipe (công thức chế biến).

The first thing is to make sure you don’t try to go too fast or too far – don’t run before you can walk. If you plan a ride that’s of a shorter distance but you still feel quite fresh after that ride, you can always add an extra bit on. If you go too far, you run the risk of getting stranded.

“We used the Five Deeps Expedition as what the navy calls the ‘shakedown cruise’ (sự chạy thử máy; chuyến thử nghiệm cuối cùng) to figure out all the things we need to fix”, Vescovo says. This meant that the mettle (sự thúc đẩy hết mình) of most of the equipment on board was tested during the expedition itself. “Believe it or not one of my favourite quotes comes from Iron Man when he said ‘sometimes you have to run before you can walk’”, Vescovo says. It was a mantra (câu thần chú) that led the entire expedition (cuộc viễn chinh, thám hiểm).

Bin Kuan

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