"Scratch about" nghĩa là gì?

Lục hết tủ lạnh may quá vẫn còn thức ăn cho bữa trưa! Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

"Scratch about/around (for something)" nghĩa là tìm kiếm cái gì đó bằng cách đào xuyên qua lớp đất đá, bụi bẩn, mảnh vụn,...; tìm xung quanh một cái gì hoặc nơi nào rất kỹ để kiếm cái mình cần.

Ví dụ
During my senior year at Northwestern, located just north of Chicago, I realized I would likely be headed for other environs (vùng lân cận) as I scratched about for a newspaper job, so I decided to scratch a couple of things off my bucket list before graduation.

Penny West is known as a “blind discovery”, meaning that there were no old workings on top of the mine (mỏ), which is unusual given that gold has been scratched about for in the region for hundreds of years.

In the fight’s odd (kỳ cục) aftermath, as people scratched about for clarity (sự rõ ràng), a good lunch and a word from Don King, Lewis and his squabbling (cãi nhau ầm ĩ) retinue (đoàn tùy tùng) were in open conflict, deep in denial and raw with anger. Rahman deserved (xứng đáng) praise for the joyful stop in his extreme tale of suffering.

Thảo Nguyễn

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