"Strung-out shape" nghĩa là gì?

Cười bên ngoài nhưng khóc bên trong. Photo by: Sydney Sims on Unsplash

"Strung-out shape" -> nghĩa là tình trạng kiệt sức tinh thần, đặc biệt do stress, căng thẳng, thiếu ngủ.

Ví dụ
"We're all in strung out shape. But stay frosty." The Demodogs' attack might seem familiar. It's just like this raptor scene in "Jurassic Park."

Look - I'm going to have to back up and apologize, here. I'm ...well, we are all... things have been bad, since the Malgothiel discovery. I apologize for the informal nature of this Entry for the 'Masamun'ael' entity. But we're all in pretty strung-out shape.

The effects, perils (hiểm họa) in outer space and in shadowy corners, quite overwhelm the skimpy (thiếu thốn) script, which is loaded with gibberish uttered with authority: ''Stand by to initiate release sequencer.'' When somebody says something sensible like ''we're all in strung-out shape,'' it sounds like a gag (lời nói đùa).

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