"An open secret" nghĩa là gì?

Qua đây nói một bí mật cho mà nghe nè. Photo by  Henri Pham

"An open secret" = Bí mật được hé lộ -> Một điều được giữ kín nhưng mọi người lại biết hết.

Ví dụ
It's an open secret that the work pace is kept slow to reduce cost. Subsequently, developers are assisted by lawyers to file for time extensions.

It is an open secret that banned Indian made foreign liquor (rượu) (IMFL) is being sold in some venues (nơi gặp gỡ, điểm bán) of the State-sponsored Hornbill Festival.

Rumours (tin đồn) that Donald Trump intends to leave the Open Skies Treaty have become so numerous over the past month that it feels like an open secret. European countries have rushed to the treaty’s defence (sự bảo vệ của hiệp ước). As with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty, legitimate US concerns about Russian behaviour have become subject to the usual polarised (hình thành hai phe đối lập) partisan (người ủng hộ) domestic debate in the United States. Withdrawing from the treaty – as former US National Security Adviser John Bolton recommended while he was in post – will only make things worse.

Bin Kuan

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