"Back-assward" nghĩa là gì?

Hồ sơ lộn xộn quá đi! Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

"Back-assward" nghĩa là đối lập hoặc trái ngược với những gì được mong đợi, hoàn toàn rối loạn hoặc xáo trộn, thực hiện không đạt yêu cầu.

Ví dụ
As much as we like to think that we use reason to evaluate evidence and come to conclusions (đi đến kết luận), “It really goes back assward, a lot of times,” said Peter Ditto, a psychologist (nhà tâm lý học) at University of California, Irvine.

“Cynthia has been with the city for a long time. She knows the city’s policies,” Moore said. “She’s really smart, innovative (sáng tạo), and calm. She doesn’t get ruffled (mất bình tĩnh) easily.” Coffey, who said Tuesday that the council was working “back-assward” to fill the position, said she was confident Martinez was a good choice.

Barbara, 75, who lives in Maryland, also attended Farr’s workshop. She wanted only her first name used so she could speak openly about subjects sensitive to her family, and wanted to write her own obituary (lời cáo phó) because there isn’t anyone else who will write about what she calls her “back assward” life with honesty and humor.

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