"Bolt upright" nghĩa là gì?

Chụp nhanh đi! Tôi đứng thẳng nhất có thể rồi đó! Photo by suzie maclean on Unsplash

"Bolt upright" là từ dùng để miêu tả một tư thế có thể là đứng hoặc ngồi mà lưng luôn thẳng.

Ví dụ
I remember when it finished I was sat bolt upright.

When the pooch (=a dog) realises he is being watched he stands bolt upright and stares down the worker who is videoing him.

The 81-year-old says he sat bolt upright on hard chairs for close to 17 hours and at one point he felt like he was going to die.

I’ve been faster, but in such calm conditions and flat water, to hiss (rít lên) past dozens of conventional keelboats sitting bolt upright as they ghosted along was a surreal (kỳ dị/không thực) experience.

Hậu Giang

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