"Build my hopes on" nghĩa là gì?

Nắm tay em đi khắp thế gian Photo by Yuri Catalano from Pexels

'Build one's hopes on someone or something' -> nghĩa là đặt niềm tin, mong đợi của ai vào ai hay cái gì.

Ví dụ
The Kurds’ dream of a democratic (dân chủ), federal Iraq, where they could build their hopes on the Iraqi constitution, is far from being fulfilled in this chaotic situation

If you’re asking me for my positive input on youth, I would happily include Lo Celso and Lautaro in my team any day. J. Correa on the left as well. I am not going to build my hopes on Paredes or, G. Pity Martinez because I either consider them one dimensional or, less talented than others.

Empson’s “Can we build a Sustainable Society?” exposes the limits of some climate activists, like Naomi Klein, who build their hopes on a rational form of capitalism (chủ nghĩa tư bản). Empson shares Marx’s perspective that class struggle is needed not only to replace capitalism, but to ensure workers “put themselves back in their rightful place, as a part of nature, labouring and changing the world around them in the collective interest of people and planet…”

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