"Difficult is done at once, the impossible takes a little longer" nghĩa là gì?

Thách thức không hề nhỏ. Photo by  Jeremiah Higgins

"Difficult is done at once, the impossible takes a little longer" = Những việc/tình huống vô cùng thách thức và hết hy vọng hoàn thành thì cần nhiều thời gian để giải quyết hơn so với những việc chỉ khó khăn đơn giản.

Ví dụ
And what’s more, I realized in practically the same moment, the sun was shining. I was here with a friend talking about something good, something worth doing. Not all of my problems would get solved that afternoon, but that’s not ever the way things work. It’s like my dad likes to say: the difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little longer.

Difficult is done at once, the impossible takes a little longer — could be, perhaps, the most descriptive phrase for the tournament organization (việc tổ chức giải thi đấu). After many years of local experience and three years of going international, the fourth edition of the chess event organized by the siblings and their Jacque 64 club exceeded their initial hopes (and ours).

The office walls of the headquarters of the Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) in Clark Global City are adorned (tô điểm) with a mix of inspirational (đầy cảm hứng) quotes and motivational sayings, from Albert Einstein to Jan Gehl, a Danish architect. “The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer,” says 18th century Frenchman Charles Alexandre de Calonne on one wall, summing up what must be the BCDA’s approach to tackling enormous projects (dự án lớn). The work vibe is more Google than government agency, and you’ll find Catan board games next to treadmills (máy tập chạy bộ; công việc hằng ngày mệt mỏi), neither of which look like they get much use. The office is only a year old, and transferring part of its operations from BGC, the agency is setting an example of decentralizing (phân quyền) state offices in the capital.

Bin Kuan

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