"Don't give me that story" nghĩa là gì?

Tha lỗi cho anh đi mà! Photo by Aziz Acharki

"Don't give me that story" = Story (câu chuyện) ở đây là lời nói dối nên câu này nghĩa là đừng nói với tôi việc dối trá đó, đừng kể câu chuyện tương tự như vậy với tôi hoặc đừng bịa chuyện đó là sự thật.

Ví dụ
And please don't give me that story about the road has been “awarded on contract” bla bla. The vehicle itself looks like scrap metal (kim loại vụn) on wheels.

"It's not much more you can really do. It happens everywhere. Don't give me that story it doesn't happen in my neighborhood, yes it does. You may just not hear about it all the time," said IU parent Albert Young.

And please don’t give me that story about how insecure (không đảm bảo an toàn) my credit card info is – wasn’t that you who blindly gave your credit card to that heroin-addict-waiter on Saturday night after your meal? Ever wonder why he took so long coming back with the receipt (biên lai)?

Bin Kuan

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