"Don't that take the rag off the bush" nghĩa là gì?

Và cô ấy bất thình lình xuất hiện. Photo by Ashim D’Silva

"Don't that take the rag off the bush" = Câu cảm thán chỉ sợ ngạc nhiên, shock, không tin vào mắt mình về chuyện đang diễn ra.

Ví dụ
Oh no, don't that take the rag off the bush! My prayer got answered.

Well, "Don't that take the rag off the bush"! My best friend is gonnna get married next week. She is a marriage-hater actually.

What's up? he is coming? don't that take the rag off the bush! I am not expecting him to come because I'm very ugly at the moment.

Bin Kuan

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