"Give the mitten" nghĩa là gì?

Thôi, đời hết tự do từ đây! Photo by Simon Hattinga Verschure

"Give the mitten (găng tay hở ngón)" = Từ chối/bỏ mặc người cầu hôn, tỏ tình hoặc người theo đuổi mình.

Ví dụ
It's okay to give the mitten to him because he is very fond of womanizing (quan hệ lăng nhăng với nhiều phụ nữ).

During our research, we came across the seasonally appropriate "break-up" synonym (từ đồng nghĩa) "give the mitten." This phrase goes back to the mid-1800s, and it was usually from a woman to a man.

On his blog World Wide Words, Michael Quinion writes that he finds the most persuasive one to be that "give the mitten" goes back to a French tradition of sending a suitor (người cầu hôn, người theo đuổi) mittens in order to reject a proposal (sự cầu hồn). There were some traditions where, as a part of a deal, you would give someone gloves or mittens. If they rejected the deal, they would give you back the gloves or mittens.

Bin Kuan

Tags: phrase

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