"Give the shaft" nghĩa là gì?

Nhìn người ta vui vẻ mà cứ thấy tủi thân. Photo by  David Clode

"Give (one) the shaft" = Đối xử bất công với ai, lừa dối ai, phá hoại hoặc lợi dụng ai.

Ví dụ
COUGH! COUGH! Oh Dark Horse, Marvel does give you the shaft a lot. Years ago they took Star Wars from you and now they have Conan.

“When I started getting serious with Susan it was mainly her idea,” Josh Powell said in the recording. “I was afraid that Susan would go out with me a time or two and then give me the shaft.”

When Richard Nixon lost the California gubernatorial election (cuộc bầu cử thống đốc, chính phủ) in 1962, he had his well-known quote, "You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore...I hope that what I have said today will at least make television, radio, the press recognize that they have a right and a responsibility, if they're against a candidate (ứng cử viên) give him the shaft, but also recognize if they give him the shaft, put one lonely reporter on the campaign who'll report what the candidate says now and then." Note that both Trump and Nixon both attacked and played the role of victim (nạn nhân) with the press.

Bin Kuan

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