"Kick bollocks scramble" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Oscar Chan on Unsplash

"Kick bollocks scramble" -> nghĩa là tình huống hoảng loạn/hỗn độn, thường xảy ra giữa nhiều người hoặc liên quan tới nhiều người.

Ví dụ
Stirling says that Canadian television shoots at a much quicker pace (tốc độ) than it does in the UK. This led to a nightly “kick bollocks scramble” known as the “Bletchley Blitz,” where the cast and crew attempted to film the last scene of the day in a short amount of time—often through fits of fatigue-induced giggles (tiếng cười khúc khích).

It is to do with Rob, because he is so meticulous (tỉ mỉ, quá kĩ càng) in how he approaches a film. Normally — we have this expression in England — it’s a bit of a kick-bollocks scramble to get through the day. You’re coming in blind, you haven’t rehearsed (nhẩm lại), you’re rewriting scenes on the day. I’ve had that on almost every other [project].

It is going to be 'kick bollocks scramble' for two months and then back to normal. We all have to be cheerleaders (hoạt náo viên) for the Olympics but frankly I wish they weren't happening in London.

Ngọc Lân

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