"Lose the use of" nghĩa là gì?

Hình ảnh làm bạn liên tưởng đến điều gì? Photo by Anton Darius | @theSollers 

"Lose the use of (something)" = Mất giá trị sử dụng của cái gì -> Không thể sử dụng một bộ phận nào đó trong cơ thể; bị tước đoạt cái gì khỏi mình.

Ví dụ
There are fears an innocent man may lose the use of his left arm after he was seriously injured during a botched (làm hỏng, sai) police raid in Melbourne.

Jacqui Kapinowski is one of Palm Beach County's most elite (ưu tú, giỏi nhất) marathon competitors, despite bacterial meningitis (viêm màng não do vi khuẩn) causing her to lose the use of her legs in her mid 30’s. This coming weekend may end up being one of her biggest victories yet.

An MRI scan revealed a trapped nerve (dây thần kinh) in her lower spine (xương sống), which required surgery (phẫu thuật). The detective (cuộc tìm ra, khám) was warned there was a risk she would lose the use of her left arm - causing "great anxiety" - but the op was successful. Another specialist performed further surgery for a frozen shoulder, a condition "exclusively attributable" to Bearfield throwing her baby at her. She still does not have full use of her left shoulder and has been left with a six-inch scar (sẹo).

Bin Kuan

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