"Lose your cool" nghĩa là gì?

Bình tĩnh nhá ông bạn, đời còn dài lắm. Photo by Denys Nevozhai

"Lose (one's) cool" = Mất sự điềm tĩnh -> Không kiểm soát được cơn giận, có hành vi và thái độ quá đà.

Ví dụ
But playing a woman in a position of power, who'll never lose her cool — was like, crazy. It's wild to play that kind of agenda without insecurity.

The move has the desired effect Liam was looking for because Mavar gets aggressive (gây hấn, hung hãn) and blames the Gallaghers for making him lose his cool.

The only moment in the special’s 43 minutes that could threaten to polarize (hoàn toàn đối lập với nhau) an otherwise peaceful living room is a cheeky remark courtesy of the always-sassy Daniel Levy (of Schitt’s Creek fame) about Musgraves’ favorite holiday being Christmas, not President’s Day. But even if you, unlike Musgraves (who has always been very politically forthright (thẳng tính, quả quyết), especially in support of the LGBTQ+ community), are a fan of the orange man in the White House, you’d still be more likely to chuckle (khoái trá) than lose your cool. That’s just the power of Kacey Musgraves, the reigning queen of country, camp and Christmas cheer. The only thing left to say is “Yeehaw.”

Bin Kuan

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