"Make common cause with" nghĩa là gì?

Lập hội từ bé sau lớn lên còn được bảo vệ Photo by samer daboul from Pexels

'Make common cause with someone or something' = cùng phe, về phe với ai/ cái gì, 'cause' ở đây được hiểu với nghĩa sự nghiệp, chính nghĩa -> cụm từ này nghĩa là đoàn kết để theo đuổi mục đích chung.

Ví dụ
So too, thou shall not and cannot compromise or make common cause with a party and its leaders who engage in antisemitism (chủ nghĩa bài Do thái) and attack those who are the victims of it. Look what they have done to people such as Luciana Berger, someone who now must take special precautions for her safety.

Butts came down hard on rappers, but he was willing to engage with the music and its defenders. The next black activist to take up the fight would be less accommodating (dễ tính). How did hip-hop divide black leaders along generational and gender lines? How did veterans of the civil rights movement make common cause with white conservatives (đảng viên đảng bảo thủ)?

Courtesy of a visit home by my student offspring, I have learned the term “Bnoc” — “a Big Name on Campus”. Whether you are a 2019 Generation Z-er, an “OK Boomer” of the Seventies vintage, the Eighties “Jam Generation” or somewhere between, the Bnoc is always around — a commanding presence, disparaged (làm mất uy tín, tai tiếng) and envied in equal part, with a dose of self- delusion (tự dối mình) and ability to persuade others to make common cause with them.

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