"Not take no for an answer" nghĩa là gì?

Mình thích thì mình làm thôi. Photo by Jason Leung

"Not take no for an answer" = Không chấp nhận câu trả lời "NO" -> Bạn rất kiên định với dự định hay kế hoạch của mình và mặc kệ những sự phản đối; không chấp nhận ai từ chối đề nghị hay yêu cầu của mình.

Ví dụ
“The night I decided to not take “no” for an answer and then realizing that a dream was a powerful experience,” he shares. “Although I am likely pivoting (xoay chuyển) out of finance, committing myself to beating the odds then fulfilling that promise to myself was a transformative (biến đổi) experience.”

She found this site on her own. I told her there was no treatment that I knew of that could help but she did not take no for an answer. I have actually viewed Dr. Pederson's presentation to the Winn Foundation group online. I find his research paper from a study done in 2017 to be very exciting.

What we need is radical (triệt để, toàn bộ) change, radical new thought and solutions for the problems we face today. Not just in Delhi, but in the world. Climate change is no longer an intellectual concept (khái niệm trí tuệ) - we see it here and now, tangibly (hữu hình, rõ ràng). We need to ask more questions; demand more from our governments, and the businesses we patronize (bảo trợ); we need to put our thinking caps on and think big; and not take no for an answer. We need to go back to the way we thought when we were kids - when everything was possible, if we just thought about it long and hard enough.

Bin Kuan

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