"Open the kimono" nghĩa là gì?

Nét đẹp của xứ sở mặt trời mọc. Photo by  Sorasak

"Open the kimono" = Mở áo Kimono -> Những kế hoạch, mục tiêu hay cuộc thương lượng được rõ ràng, sáng tỏ và minh bạch.

Ví dụ
Jeff Sprecher, chief executive of Intercontinental Exchange: “We started to open the kimono and expose it to people.”

In our opinion one of the best tools for ordinary investors who are on the hunt for new ideas is 13F filings. Once every quarter hedge funds with at least $100 million in total positions in publicly traded US stocks (cổ phiếu) are required to open the kimono and disclose the number of shares (cổ phần) and the total value of its positions in each of the stocks and options in its portfolio (danh mục đầu tư).

The most confusing expression used in job ads was ‘open the kimono’, with 82 per cent of jobseekers surveyed saying they didn’t understand the phrase. According to Investopedia, the controversial phrase means to “reveal what is being planned or to share important information freely”. “Similar to ‘open the books’ or an ‘open door policy’, opening the kimono means revealing the inner workings of a project or company to an outside party.”

Bin Kuan

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