Chuyện hài hước về toilet công cộng ở Ấn Độ

người dân lễ bái suốt 1 năm, vì tưởng đền thờ...
For almost a year, the residents (cư dân) of Maudaha area in Uttar Pradesh's Hamirpur district would bow (cúi đầu) their heads and even perform 'pooja' outside a building in the premises of a Community Health Centre. The residents, who thought of it as a temple, were in for a rude shock recently after learning that it was a public toilet instead.

The saffron colour of the public toilet's walls is believed to have caused the confusion — it has now been painted pink. Although the toilet was inaugurated almost a year ago, it is yet to be operational.

The toilet was inaugurated (khánh thành) with much fervour (sự nhiệt tình, sự hăng hái; sự tha thiết; sự sôi nổi) in the presence of the then Additional District Magistrate (ADM) Ajeet Paresh and Chairman of the Muadaha Nagar Panchayat Ramkishor, but the building's shape and saffron colour gave an impression (ấn tượng) that it was a temple, claim locals.

Bài trước: Lúc nào chẳng thế
Tags: india

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