"Strain every nerve" nghĩa là gì?

Tôi sẽ cố gắng hết sức! Photo courtesy: Michelle Donelan Chippenham

"Strain every nerve" = căng tất cả dây thần kinh -> cố gắng hết sức mình.

Ví dụ
Yet I know that I have no alternative but to strain every nerve to make myself better and better.

"As Minister for the Union, I will strain every nerve and sinew (sức mạnh) to strengthen and preserve (duy trì) all that we prize (tự hào) and cherish (coi trọng) - and doggedly (kiên cường) resist those who would seek to wrest (giật mạnh) us apart."

A soldier indeed is ‘different’ (even at the cost of repetition (lặp lại)). Having had the good fortune of monitoring (giám sát) Army recruitment rallies and awareness campaigns from close quarters (doanh trại), I can state (tuyên bố) with conviction (tự tin cao độ, rất tự tin) that the only driving force for the lakhs (mười vạn) of young aspirants (người khao khát được nắm chức vụ cao) who strain every nerve in a bid to get selected, is the yearning (khao khát) to earn the ‘izzat (danh dự)’ this profession promises to endow (mang lại) them with, and a craving (khao khát) to serve the Nation the most credible (đáng tin) way. The same young people when trying their luck subsequently (rồi thì) at recruitment/employment fairs/drives elsewhere, do so in an entirely different state of mind.

Ngân Nguyễn

Bài trước: "Strain at a gnat" nghĩa là gì?
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