"Take the moral high ground" nghĩa là gì?

The world's influencers. Photo by  Evangeline Shaw

"Take the moral high ground" = Cho là có nền tảng/giá trị đạo đức cao -> Cảm thấy tự tin vì cho rằng quyết định hay ý kiến của mình là hợp với đạo đức hơn so với của những người khác hoặc đối thủ (dùng trong kinh doanh và chính trị).

Ví dụ
“Sectors have to transition (sự chuyển tiếp) and they’re going to need financing,” says one head of sustainable (ổn định vững chắc) finance. “We cannot take the moral high ground and withdraw financing from the biggest polluters, yet none of us seem clear on the tool that will work best to finance that transition.”

Bringing Familia aboard would have far more wrinkles (nếp nhăn, mách nước). The veteran reliever has been suspended for domestic violence (bạo lực gia đình) in the past which should make him a no-go for a Blue Jays club that tried to take the moral high ground with Roberto Osuna — albeit in ham-fisted (vụng về, lóng ngóng) manner.

Sheely says he receives a lot of comments that try to take the “moral high ground” and see issues with how Sheely plays the game. But he thinks they miss the point. For him, playing through the game this way helps to highlight the issues and moral dilemmas (thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan, tình trạng khó xử) that are front and center in a game about war.

Bin Kuan

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