Tấm bưu thiếp Giáng sinh vui vẻ

vui vẻ sao được, do tù nhân nước ngoài bị ép buộc làm ở tq, tesco đã rút và hủy toàn bộ hàng...
Tesco says it has suspended production (dừng sản xuất) at a factory in China alleged (bị cáo buộc) to have forced (ép buộc) foreign prisoners (tù nhân người nước ngoài) to help make charity Christmas cards and also withdrawn them from sale.

The allegations came to light after the Sunday Times reported that Florence Widdicombe, aged six, from Tooting, south London, opened a box of charity Christmas cards from the supermarket and discovered (phát hiện) a plea (lời khẩn cầu, đơn kêu cứu) for help inside one of them.

The message read: “We are foreign prisoners in Shanghai Qinqpu prison China. Forced to work against our will. Please help us and notify (thông báo, báo cho biết) human rights organization (tổ chức nhân quyền).”

It also urged (thúc giục) the reader of the message to contact Peter Humphrey, a former journalist (cựu nhà báo) who spent 23 months imprisoned (bị bỏ tù) at the same Qingpu prison.

Tags: china

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