"Come back to the fold" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Hal Gatewood

"Come back to the fold" = Trở về với gia đình -> Bắt đầu tham gia, hỗ trợ và gia nhập lại nhóm/tổ chức/lĩnh vực mà mình đã bỏ trong một thời gian.

Ví dụ
In the political arena, rejoicing for those who come back to the fold sounds strange, but it is the only way that makes long-term sense.

I appeal to this individual to come back to the fold, the racing is poorer without your input. Come back, and then we can sing about you!

Regarding “A ridiculously optimistic look at the next decade,” (A12, Jan. 8): David Brooks presents a view of the next decade that I would love to believe to be real. Trump’s followers come back to the fold of caring humanity. Social repair is the priority of the country. Empathy replaces antipathy (ác cảm). Religion seeks grace (ân điển). White privilege gives way to the larger American family that can see each other as whole, human and deserving of opportunity. Our broken international alliances (khối liên minh quốc tế) are restored to normalcy (sự bình thường).

Ka Tina

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