"Go climb a tree" nghĩa là gì?

Anh chàng thích leo trèo. Photo by Marvin Meyer

"Go climb a tree" = Đi leo cây đi -> (thông tục) Cút đi/đi đi, để tôi yên một mình!

Ví dụ
“Telling someone go climb a tree or to go to the playground and have fun and unleash (tháo gỡ, giải phóng) your potential isn't going to work,” Le Corre said.

I think the Prophet Mohammed is a silly goose (kẻ ngốc), and I don't particularly care for him. He's a jerk. For all I care, he can go climb a tree. There. I said it and I'm not sorry. Come and get me, coppers!

Second, I don’t need a man to protect me and watch out for me. At 5’2”, I do need a man to reach stuff on the high shelf, but that’s about it. So, Tim Kennedy, we are letting boys be boys, but we’re also letting all kids embrace who they are and treating them with the same expectations (sự kỳ vọng). The problem is the easy accessibility to guns in this country, but whatever, go climb a tree or some sh*t.

Bin Kuan

Bài trước: "Go bung" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase

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