"Go for the burn" nghĩa là gì?

Muscle man! Photo by  henri meilhac

"Go for the burn" = Đốt cháy hết -> Ép cơ thể tới mức cực độ khi tập luyện thể dục hoặc vận động.

Ví dụ
Go for the burn on a regular basis. Planking movements practiced continuously for one minute are a great example.

If you go for the burn just to feel like you’ve gotten a good workout, then it’s pointless without an established goal. For example, if your focus is maximum strength gain, then it’s probably a bad idea since these types of sets/reps [intense high-rep training] will drastically cut into your ability to recover and continue working out.

More than just being a classic icon of the 1980s, Jane Fonda’s workouts are surprisingly still fun, easy, and an effective way to get fit. It also leaves us nostalgic (nhớ nhà, nhớ quê hương, hoài niệm) for the days of matching leg warmers and leotards (quần áo nịt), big hair, and Jane Fonda’s peppy voice yelling at us from the TV to “go for the burn!”

Bin Kuan

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