"Go from one extreme to another" nghĩa là gì?

"Go from one extreme to another" -> nghĩa là thay đổi (bản chất) từ thái cực này sang thái cực khác.

Ví dụ
Other than the strong winds, temperatures Saturday are almost 10-degrees warmer than what we had for Friday, and are right around the norm for early June, but we're going to go from one extreme to another in the coming days.

German philosopher Georg Hegel wrote about how the “dialectic” (biện chứng) drives history. He famously described it as the dynamic of “thesis (luận đề, luận điểm), antithesis (phản đề), synthesis (sự tổng hợp).” Put simply, ideas go from one extreme to another and eventually end up in the middle.

Successfully bowhunting trophy whitetails takes extraordinary patience. When you compound (pha trộn, kết hợp) the difficulty of short-range hunting tools and self-imposed restrictions (sự nghiêm cấm), you’ve shifted (thay đổi) the odds heavily in favor of the deer. You really have to love the hunt to maintain any semblance (giống với) of sanity throughout the ups and downs of bow season. On any given day, at any given minute, the emotions of hunting can go from one extreme to another.

Bin Kuan

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